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Insurance: All volunteers are covered by LVC’s insurance policy whilst they are on the premises or engaged in any work that has been agreed by the VSL. Volunteer drivers should inform their insurance company that they are using their vehicle for voluntary work. There should be no extra cost involved.

Health & Safety: Risk assessments have been carried out on all voluntary roles and volunteers will be given risk assessment notes to help them perform allocated tasks safely. A copy of the LVC’s Health & Safety policy is available on this website.

Complaints & Feedback: LVC believes that volunteers have every right to make complaints or provide feedback on matters which cause them concern in the course of their voluntary work. All complaints will be considered extremely carefully and investigated fully. Full policy is available on LVC website or on request.

Training & Support

Training: We provide tailored induction and training for our varied volunteering roles Training for Receptionists is on site and informal, with new volunteers receiving support from experienced volunteers and staff. Visiting and Befriending volunteers will be accompanied by the Section Leader on their initial visit.

General Group Support: Working lunches are held each year and are open to all volunteers. These session provide an opportunity for an informal get together with volunteers across all LVC projects and is a place to share knowledge and experience. We try to ensure that all topics and training covered in these sessions are relevant to all volunteers, so include subjects such as health & safety, fire awareness and dealing with difficult situations etc. Our awareness talks or training may be presented by LVC Staff or a representative from another professional group or organisation.

Individual Support: The provision of individual support and supervision may vary according the project and the role you chose to undertake. Section Leaders are the volunteers’ main point of contact and they provide support and supervision to feedback on progress, discuss future developments and to air any problems or difficulties that may arise.

Dates for all volunteers meetings can be found in our newsletter and on our website. We vary the times of meetings to enable maximum flexibility for volunteers to attend around other commitments.



Volunteer Application & Recruitment Process


once completed, please send this to


Interview: Once we have received your application form we will contact you to arrange a suitable date and time for an informal interview. Interviews are a chance for you and the Section Leader or Coordinator to get to know each other and to match you with a suitable placement. They will assess your skills, suitability and how you meet the person specification based on task descriptions. We aim to identify how your potential might best be realised within available roles.

References: We take up two references for all volunteers and referees should have known you for at least two years and cannot be family members.

Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checks: LVC uses the services of the DBS to assess applicant’s suitability for positions of trust, so if you will be working with vulnerable individuals at any time during the course of your voluntary work with us, you will be required to complete a DBS check before you begin your placement. The cost will be covered by VSL

Expenses: All volunteers are entitled to receive reasonable out of pocket expenses, examples include:


• Travel expenses to cover the cost of travel undertaken in the course of           volunteering.


• The cost of the photo for your identity badge

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