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Anyone who lives in IG10 can ask LVC for a helping hand.  Whilst most of our users are older people, we will consider  requests from other residents  and help if we can.  Being small and flexible we can often respond quickly to requests.  We are not, however, an emergency service.

Much of our work involves driving older, frail people to medical appointments – hospitals, clinics and surgeries.  We wait with the user and bring them home.  We are piloting activities to help address loneliness and inclusion through our Silver Surf club, social activities and shopping trips, and our Good Neighbour scheme.

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LVC is committed to supporting older people in their desire to live an independent life. We are a not for profit;  LVC’s services are free, or provided at or below cost through the efforts of our volunteers and funders. If you are interested in how we can help you or a loved one, please get in contact with us.

Tel : 07592 369198 between 10-12pm and 2-4pm weekdays, email, or  click here

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