|| 020 8508 6114
Loughton Voluntary Care
Going the extra mile in Loughton for over 50 years
Our Partners
LVC is grateful for the support provided by its partners who allow the organisation’s work to continue. We work together to provide a stronger support network for our users.
As well as donations from those who use the our services, LVC is supported financially by EFDC whose grant makes the major contribution towards our everyday running costs, together with specific help for certain projects.
The website was made possible by a grant from Loughton Town Council which also helps regularly with the rental of our premises and other necessary expenses such as volunteer DBS checks.
The Charles French Charitable Trust, based in Loughton, has given us several grants over the years towards our Good Neighbour and Silver Surfer services.
Although LVC is not a faith-based charity we are proud to be sponsored by Churches Together in Loughton and have received strong support from local churches, most notably in providing office space for us. To date, this has included space in St. Mary’s, St. Edmund’s and, currently, Loughton Methodist Church. As well as making us very welcome, LMC partners us in providing the monthly Fish and Chip lunch. St. Mary’s Church also makes a regular cash donation to our work.
We have also received valuable support from other local partners. Barclays Bank, Hasler’s Foundation and Molen’s Café helped by providing premises, insurance and refreshments for the Silver Surfer Club. The initial grant towards 6 iPads was awarded by the Anglian Community Trust.
Since 2017 Hasler’s Foundation have also provided us with drivers (from their Staff Volunteering Scheme) to help our clients get to the Christmas meal and other social jollies.
Transport for our escorted shopping service is provided on a commercial basis by Epping Forest Community Transport. LVC is affiliated to Voluntary Action Epping Forest, which operates as an umbrella group providing support and guidance, and to Rainbow Services Harlow who process our DBS checks.
Red Balloon Foundation, another local group designed and maintains our website.